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Geostru.rar is a spatial decision-support system that empowers people to understand, analyze, and communicate the multivariate relationships that shape natural resources in their communities. Users can see invisible social networks created by inequalities, take action on local problems, and design solutions for inclusive development. Geostru.rar can be used with any set of multivariate geographic data. It was designed for rural communities of the developing world, where access to secondary school is not universal, and many people lack information on their land rights (see Land tenure). Geostru.rar is named after Julia Geist (pictured), a German-born architect and engineer who co-developed the system with Richmond Tuma, an Ethiopian engineer who has worked for over 30 years with local communities on participatory mapping in Ethiopia. The program was originally created under the name "GIS", which stands for "Geographic Information System". It was renamed "Geostru. rar" to highlight the system's participatory design, and because the program has no limitations to its use in rural areas. Geostru.rar was developed by Julia Geist of Terreform, Terreform ONE in collaboration with Richmond Tuma, who has worked on participatory mapping in Ethiopia for over 30 years. The system was designed for local social analysis at a grassroots level. It originated during an architectural workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with young architects from around the world in June 2003. The workshop explored how to create real opportunities for sustainable development by considering issues of land tenure, community mobilization, spatial analysis and participatory design. Geostru.rar was originally developed for the design of sustainable housing in Addis Ababa. The Geostru.rar system is an interface to data stored in different GIS databases over the Web. It enables users to visualize and analyze social networks created by inequalities, take action on local problems, and design solutions for inclusive development. Data can be accessed from dozens of databases over the Web, although all necessary information needed to run the system is provided in one integrated database that is updated regularly with most new datasets found on the Web. Users need only download the small dataset (approximately 150 megabytes) which contains all necessary geographic information (elevation data, parcels, linked walls with house numbers etc.). The system is based on most current available data, which are continually updated in the integrated database. Geostru.rar uses open data standard protocols for data exchange, rather than proprietary formats of the GIS industry. It is therefore compatible with most open source GIS software. Geostru.rar is copyright free, and all sources are available online . The Geostru.rar system was designed with four different users in mind:The Geostru.rar system is customisable to the needs of any user or project that wishes to integrate multivariate analysis into its work in local communities around the world in any capacity including academics, design firms, NGOs and governments. eccc085e13